Characteristics of COD measuring instrument: 1. That is, the absorbance of trivalent chromium produced by reduction of potassium dichromate is measured at a wavelength of 620nm the COD value in the sample is directly proportional to the increase in absorbance of trivalent chromium so that the absorbance value can be converted into the COD value in the sample. Working principle: COD refers to adding a known amount of potassium dichromate solution to the water sample, in a strong sulfuric acid medium, using silver sulfate as a catalyst, after high-temperature digestion, the COD value is determined by spectrophotometry. The main components of the reagent group are potassium dichromate (potassium permanganate for drinking water), sulfuric acid, mercury sulfate, silver sulfate, and water. The display panel module can be divided into the data display area, selection keys, up and down keys, function keys, zero calibration keys, and so on. Online Chlorophyll/Blue-green Algae SensorĬOD measuring instrument is mainly divided into display module, optical detection pool, matching reagent group and electronic circuit chip control module, etc., according to the working conditions of the site, it can be equipped with emergency detection configuration.